Connecting Adsquare with Splicky

Follow these steps to map your Adsquare account with Splicky using your Adsquare Company ID.

Christoph Herwig avatar
Written by Christoph Herwig
Updated over a week ago

Splicky provides a self-service tool to link an Adsquare AMP company with your Splicky seat. 

Below are the necessary steps to make this link:

Step 1. Find your Adsquare Company ID
Step 2. Log in to your Splicky DSP account
Step 3. Navigate to Account Settings
Step 4. Enter your Adsquare Company ID under Additional Settings - 'Adsquare' Company ID

Finding Your Company ID in the AMP

Step 1. Log in to your AMP account
Step 2.Go To your Profile Settings on the top right hand side
Step 3. Find your Company ID

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