Adding a Adsquare segment to your Adobe campaign
Step 1: Set up your Adobe campaign as normal
Step 2: When you enter the placement setup page, fill out all the campaign details until your reach the Segment Targeting section
Step 3: Click on 'Segment Datasets' and this will open a new window
Step 4: From the toolbar, select the 'Custom tab'
Step 5: All of your custom datasets that have been pushed to the platform will appear here – use the filter to search and select
Step 6: Once you have selected the datasets, hit save at the bottom of the window
Step 7: Complete the setup of the placement and save
Campaign Settings: Matching Adsquare requirements to Adobe
Your campaign must match certain Adsquare settings in order for the segment to deliver correctly.
It must be Mobile Application-enabled
- Adsquare segments cannot yet target cookies in mobile web or desktop devices in Adobe
The Mobile Advertising ID must be included in your supply sources
- Adsquare segments are composed of mobile device ids
- To find this information out, please contact your Adobe representative.
Campaign Setup in Adobe Advertising Cloud: settings reducing reach
If you have applied one of the following settings in your campaign, it may further reduce the delivery of your Adsquare dataset.
Additional Targeting: avoid adding additional targeting from other sources that are also available in Adobe Advertising Cloud
Frequency Cap: a daily cap on impressions per user will reduce volume
Whitelisting/Blacklisting: filtering in or out certain users can reduce the number of available supply
Creative Format: abnormal formats vs. standard formats
Private deals: this can reduce the number of bids
Geo-filter and day part settings: avoid adding these in Adobe Advertising Cloud if you already have one in the segment
If you notice your campaign is not delivering any impressions, check the setup of these above.